Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Love Triangle

One thing I loved about this book and kept me from putting the book down was the crazy love triangle that is described throughout the book. Katniss Everdeen and her hunting partner gale are no more than that – hunting partners, but that is not how it looks from everybody else’s perspective. As Katniss is thrown into the Hunger Games she finds herself thinking about Gale and missing him more every day. What makes matters worse is she is forced to team up with Peeta, who has secretly been in love with her since they were kids. The book is written from Katniss’ angle and it adds a fabulous love story on the side of all the action. As Katniss gets closer to Peeta as together they fight for their lives, could she possible forget about her best friend? I did not find out in the first book, but I cannot wait to read the second and third to unravel the secret.
"He can never truly be yours, because he carries around a piece of me."
Being the diehard twilight fan that I am, this made me think of Bella, Jacob and Edward and their awkward love triangle. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hjOAunM40k&NR=1

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